

So we invested in some chickens this year. We have plenty of room on our land and made the plunge for some organic eggs in our future. Considering the bird/chicken flu issues going around it seems somewhat timely. Anyway, I used this design to build a coop for the seven chickens. It is very sturdy and perfect for the chickens in my post build opinion. There are kits out there that a pre-built but I found them expensive, small and not so well built. This one (the garden coop which is larger, than the arc (pictured)) meets the criteria of being large enough to walk in and easy to access. Overall I spent about $1000 in materials and about four solid days putting it together. I modified a few steps so please ask for advice if you go on this adventure of coop building. Enjoy!


  • glen

    glen 9 years, 7 months ago

    Awesome, thanks for sharing Nickolas! We've been toying with the idea of raising a few, so this will be handy.


    • Nickolas

      Nickolas 9 years, 7 months ago

      Glad to help! We were complete novices and knew nothing about chickens. It has been very rewarding for us so far. It was a bit of learning outside of this. The forums out there are very helpful. Feed, predators, etc take some research. Our sources for feed has been Amazon and the local Southern States Supply. Enjoy and happy to supply any free advice.


      • njohnson

        njohnson 9 years, 7 months ago

        Do you have a recommendation on the breed? I've heard to go with Buff Orpington for gentle egg layers.


        • marcanthony.mandin

          marcanthony.mandin 9 years, 7 months ago

          Buff Orpington's are good chickens. We have had a lot of chickens. Currently have none since we just moved out of state. Just remember if you raise them from chicks it will take almost 20weeks before you start getting eggs.


          • Nickolas

            Nickolas 9 years, 7 months ago

            We have two Buff Orpingtons, two Dominiques, Golden Campine, Silver Laced Wynedotte, and an Easter Egger (as the name implies it lays blue-green eggs). All of ours are 'friendly' hens. They do not lay as much as an Leghorn, but are friendly.


    • marcanthony.mandin

      marcanthony.mandin 9 years, 7 months ago

      You should get some chickens. We tell people they are the best starter animals. They require little maintenance and the Eggs are so much better tasting than store bought. I have built a few chicken coops and would recommend it too rather than buying a prebuilt one.


      • Nickolas

        Nickolas 9 years, 7 months ago

        Completely agree, they have been a real treat to have. We let them out daily now that they are used to being in the coop/hen house and know that that it is 'home'. We throw them our table scraps and they are just fun to watch.


  • Razorback

    Razorback 9 years, 7 months ago

    Our neighbors had three free-range chickens who seemed to spend more time on our place than theirs. Coyote killed every one of them in about a one-week period. If I see that coyote, I intend to return the favor.


    • Nickolas

      Nickolas 9 years, 7 months ago

      Nice. We have coyotes here too. Found fresh tracks on our stream bed yesterday. We also have a barred owl and hawk to keep an eye out for. Raccoons also will rip their wings and legs off at night if the wire is not tight enough.


    • glen

      glen 9 years, 7 months ago

      I would expect nothing less, Razorback.
