Nickolas, trigjoh, Damianpros and 6 others like this
Kid, if you thought swallowing it was bad, just wait till tomorrow...
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Source: via elsueco on Gentlemint
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As Mr Ron White would say "you cant fix stupid"
See, I view this as an excellent lesson for the kid. I myself have learned many, many valuable things in this manner.
Wow. I was ready for a reaction, but not that one.
I betcha Bruce Jenner sounded like that while in the throws of passion with Kris Jenner and his other wives. ;-)
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trigjoh 9 years, 9 months ago
As Mr Ron White would say "you cant fix stupid"
glen 9 years, 9 months ago
See, I view this as an excellent lesson for the kid. I myself have learned many, many valuable things in this manner.
daemon 9 years, 9 months ago
Wow. I was ready for a reaction, but not that one.
Nickolas 9 years, 9 months ago
I betcha Bruce Jenner sounded like that while in the throws of passion with Kris Jenner and his other wives. ;-)