

Be classy and take the ritual of drinking shots to the next level with this fancy stainless steel collapsible shot glass.

Added in Gadgets


  • Nickolas

    Nickolas 9 years, 7 months ago

    Perhaps it is time you did the Gentlemanly act of paying for ad space rather than mooching off the site.


    • TenDollarTreats

      TenDollarTreats 9 years, 7 months ago

      Hey Nickolas, that's a very good thought :). But to put things in perspective, we're not breaking any rules here, and we are not at all bombarding this awesome website either. At least I try and post stuff that I find suitable for this website. As with anything in life, some people like what you do, others don't, and those who don't simply move on to other things. Thanks for your comment Nickolas!


      • Chet_Manly

        Chet_Manly 9 years, 7 months ago

        Just because you can doesn't mean you should. I'll bet, from watching others like you that have tried this in the past, that you don't get more than two twirls of the 'stach for even your most popular item and the longer you stay, the less attention you will receive. I wish you the best with your business, but I also find the product placement very annoying.
        First person reviews by highly enthused or annoyed customers are completely different.
