CharlesWGriswold, LP, Razorback and 6 others like this
Why do I feel like I am at times the only sane one in the world. At least the plague of stupidity raging through the world has appeared to passed by Gentlemint. Keep reading to those kids Gentlemen!
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CharlesWGriswold 9 years, 10 months ago
Let's just make sure that nobody has an unfair advantage by giving everyone a complementary lobotomy. :-p
sam_acw 9 years, 10 months ago
The amount of "research" or "comment" that universities produce which is complete junk is rising. Every week I read some conclusion of similar idiocy.
pastorjamesburke 9 years, 10 months ago
Sounds like a Vonnegut book...
Chet_Manly 9 years, 10 months ago
You are not alone. This is an attempt at pushing equal outcomes and it always comes through bringing others down, never in lifting up and empowering; the progressive MO. Thomas Sowell has a bit to say on wealth envy which is a similar situation.
If this is what "higher learning" has to offer, my kids will be self-educated thinkers who possess skills of a trade. I went to college but my degree paths shielded me from intellectual bottom feeders like this...thankfully.
JakeLonergan 9 years, 10 months ago
Sticking with the natural sciences helps but one is still exposed to infectious areas of general ed.
Chet_Manly 9 years, 10 months ago
Music and math were my areas. But I was still berated for not voting AlGore in the 2000 election. (It was in Florida and I didn't vote that year). As for gen ed, I had a couple classes but the idiocy was easy to spot and dismiss. It was working in Universtity Housing where only group think was allowed and differences of opinion were not tolerated. At the time I was young and didn't argue, but I was very uncomfortable with the inability to have honest discussion.
At least through my masters program a rigorous discussion of ideas was allowed and encouraged. Because of that I am thankful and I hold out some hope for the concept of higher education.
JakeLonergan 9 years, 10 months ago
Much of the "plague of stupidity" rages within academia.
elancaster65 9 years, 10 months ago
Second that! Read to your kids. Then have them read to you. Start early. My kids excelled at reading...then writing...then math...then the arts. Why? Because we didn't pussy-foot around. Gave them an edge in school.
wartizmukul 9 years, 10 months ago
Good thought