Titanheart, glen, Alejo_Gomez and 4 others like this
Unfortunately, I am not yet a bourbon aficionado (trying to get there) so I have no opinion of worth on the article other than you should take all things NPR with a grain of salt. But I am interested in what the rest of the Gentlemint army thinks.
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Titanheart 9 years, 8 months ago
I'm not much on bourbon as of yet but the article made good sense and I wouldn't mind giving that book a read. My drink of choice over the last couple years has been a Dark and Stormy made with Kraken rum. I know a lot of gents buy into the idea that "real men drink (insert)" but I find following the herd for the sake of acceptance has never really been my style. Would like to hear what bourbons you have enjoyed.
imkendal 9 years, 8 months ago
The article is a bit cynical but has some valid points. Much of the popular bourbon and whiskey making the rounds is all coming from the same mash and even distilled in the same location. (Similar to craft beer and knowing where the hops or yeast is coming from)
Price is not an indicator of quality in this industry. Find out where your preferred drink is actually coming from before dropping a bunch of money . You may be paying twice the price for a lesser product. There are plenty of amazing bourbons and ryes under $30.
But the same does not apply to scotch...
brian 9 years, 8 months ago
I agree with everything Titanheart and imkendal said regarding this. I'm a big fan of "wheated" bourbons. I feel like having a decent amount of wheat in the mash makes the whiskey more smooth and less bitey (but maybe I just like it because it I'm a Kansas guy born and raised). A good example of this is Maker's Mark. But, I will say that I am a HUGE fan of Old Grandad. It comes in a screw off top for about $15 around these parts and despite the low price, it is very good. I also like Weller's on the less expensive side. It too is a "wheated" bourbon. One of the better bourbons I've had was some variant of Pappy Van Winkle. At a bar in Lousiville I asked for the bartender to pour me one of his favorite bourbons and that's the one he chose.