My brother and I grew up primarily in the 70s. We used to go off on our own for hours, even a full day, at a time. Our parents might have a general idea of where we were and what we were doing but certainly nothing concrete. We played with knives, fire, animals and just about anything we could get our hands on. If you got hurt, you sucked it up because telling your parents meant risking your freedom to do it again. Those were good times.
Hell, I did that in the 90's. We had a curfew, and we were just back by that time every day, otherwise we'd find ourselves grabbing the handle of the stove door as my mother spanked us with a wooden spoon. As a parent myself, I blame the pussification of adults for most of the problems in the world today.
I grew up in the 80s, and I was lucky enough to enjoy being what is now called a "free-range" kid. It is probably getting harder and harder to do this now, but I doubt it is all or nothing.
My Wife and I are fortunate to live on a farm of over 450 acres of woods, streams, and pasture. I believe that my daughter is getting something that very few children get nowadays. Even so, when we do go out exploring I am always there with her. At some point I want to be able to say, "Go...Just be back before dinnertime." Ben this is a great Mint. I haven't been so moved by an article in awhile.
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Razorback 9 years, 10 months ago
My brother and I grew up primarily in the 70s. We used to go off on our own for hours, even a full day, at a time. Our parents might have a general idea of where we were and what we were doing but certainly nothing concrete. We played with knives, fire, animals and just about anything we could get our hands on. If you got hurt, you sucked it up because telling your parents meant risking your freedom to do it again. Those were good times.
Cobrapilot 9 years, 10 months ago
Razorback, you and I grew up in the same neighborhood :)
njohnson 9 years, 10 months ago
Hell, I did that in the 90's. We had a curfew, and we were just back by that time every day, otherwise we'd find ourselves grabbing the handle of the stove door as my mother spanked us with a wooden spoon. As a parent myself, I blame the pussification of adults for most of the problems in the world today.
njohnson 9 years, 10 months ago
Well, late 80's, early 90's anyways.
BenEspen 9 years, 10 months ago
I grew up in the 80s, and I was lucky enough to enjoy being what is now called a "free-range" kid. It is probably getting harder and harder to do this now, but I doubt it is all or nothing.
Cobrapilot 9 years, 10 months ago
My Wife and I are fortunate to live on a farm of over 450 acres of woods, streams, and pasture. I believe that my daughter is getting something that very few children get nowadays. Even so, when we do go out exploring I am always there with her. At some point I want to be able to say, "Go...Just be back before dinnertime." Ben this is a great Mint. I haven't been so moved by an article in awhile.
BenEspen 9 years, 10 months ago
I feel you. It really is hard to just let your kids be free, even when you have fond memories of doing it yourself. I'm glad you liked it.
Chet_Manly 9 years, 10 months ago
Yes, this IS a good reminder that I needed to read. Thank you.