Jesus, even less fun! You know what else can be found in the bible and quran? A bunch of retarded, stone-aged laws and accounts of barbaric behaviors we wouldn't even consider acceptable in today's society. I think it's time to retire them both to the annals of historical pseudo-non-fiction.
Matt, understand that you have a chip on your shoulder when it comes to Jesus. Get it. Your god is atheism. Got it. Perhaps to your chagrin there are a growing number of Christians that are not afraid to be politically correct and wear our Christianity openly on our sleeve. Just as you may hold up Bill Maher has your idol, there are Christians like myself that are not afraid to hold up Jesus as our Savior. As you feel it is your right to look down your nose on those that believe, it is our Christian duty to spread the Word. Over the years Christians have been shamed into not speak a word about what we believe and some to doubt that. But those that do believe have a duty regardless of the company of work or social affair. But don't worry, I long abandoned the hipster places and circles you probably run in. But here are a few verses that are not pseudo-non-fiction that I live by:">
You're a fool for your assertions. I don't care one minutia about your bible verses. I've been there, I've read the bible, I've heard the teachings, and I finally understood its place in history. I don't have idols. But I do look down on those who feel it's their duty to spread unverifiable and even outright false information as fact under the tenant of some pious duty to THEIR interpretation of THEIR god. It's NOT your duty to spread your religion. It IS your duty to be a good person and that is all. Do you really think god (if one exists and deals with human affairs at all) cares what religion you belong to or what holy book you read, like it's some sort of silly little game to see which "team" comes out on top? You seem to think you know so much about me. "Your god is atheism" you claim. Just the simple utterance of those words shows you don't know what you're talking about. Christians should be shamed as should many other religions. The christian religion is responsible for some of the most atrocious acts against mankind in history. But it's not only the Christians; there are other equally despicable people out there who claim other religions. What that tells me is all that shit doesn't matter. When you boil it all down we're just humans trying to survive on a planet where we evolved for millions of years. Some of us are good, some of us choose a life of evil to get ahead, others think they're doing good but are in fact doing evil, and vice versa. You don't need a god to tell you which is which. And we most certainly don't need these 'cults' pointing fingers at outsiders and further dividing the human race. You may be a perfectly good person living a healthy, positive life raising a productive family. I don't know you. I'm not trying to change your mind, either. My life and my journey through space has given me a different perspective on existence than yours and THAT is beautiful. I don't want to be like you, I don't want to think like your christian friends, obsessing over some ancient book while believing it to be the infallible word of god when it's so full of contradiction. We only exist for a blip in time. Enjoy it. I don't know what comes next and neither do you. The difference is, that doesn't scare me.
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Nickolas 10 years ago
All of these definitions and asnwers in this authors Dictionary can found in the Bible.
Mattlockhart 10 years ago
Oh my god. I bet you're fun to have around at parties! o_0
Nickolas 10 years ago
Matt, how would you have responded if I stated the same but replace Bible with Quran?
Mattlockhart 10 years ago
Jesus, even less fun! You know what else can be found in the bible and quran? A bunch of retarded, stone-aged laws and accounts of barbaric behaviors we wouldn't even consider acceptable in today's society. I think it's time to retire them both to the annals of historical pseudo-non-fiction.
Nickolas 10 years ago
Matt, understand that you have a chip on your shoulder when it comes to Jesus. Get it. Your god is atheism. Got it. Perhaps to your chagrin there are a growing number of Christians that are not afraid to be politically correct and wear our Christianity openly on our sleeve. Just as you may hold up Bill Maher has your idol, there are Christians like myself that are not afraid to hold up Jesus as our Savior. As you feel it is your right to look down your nose on those that believe, it is our Christian duty to spread the Word. Over the years Christians have been shamed into not speak a word about what we believe and some to doubt that. But those that do believe have a duty regardless of the company of work or social affair. But don't worry, I long abandoned the hipster places and circles you probably run in. But here are a few verses that are not pseudo-non-fiction that I live by:">
Mattlockhart 10 years ago
You're a fool for your assertions. I don't care one minutia about your bible verses. I've been there, I've read the bible, I've heard the teachings, and I finally understood its place in history.
I don't have idols. But I do look down on those who feel it's their duty to spread unverifiable and even outright false information as fact under the tenant of some pious duty to THEIR interpretation of THEIR god. It's NOT your duty to spread your religion. It IS your duty to be a good person and that is all. Do you really think god (if one exists and deals with human affairs at all) cares what religion you belong to or what holy book you read, like it's some sort of silly little game to see which "team" comes out on top?
You seem to think you know so much about me. "Your god is atheism" you claim. Just the simple utterance of those words shows you don't know what you're talking about.
Christians should be shamed as should many other religions. The christian religion is responsible for some of the most atrocious acts against mankind in history. But it's not only the Christians; there are other equally despicable people out there who claim other religions. What that tells me is all that shit doesn't matter. When you boil it all down we're just humans trying to survive on a planet where we evolved for millions of years. Some of us are good, some of us choose a life of evil to get ahead, others think they're doing good but are in fact doing evil, and vice versa. You don't need a god to tell you which is which. And we most certainly don't need these 'cults' pointing fingers at outsiders and further dividing the human race.
You may be a perfectly good person living a healthy, positive life raising a productive family. I don't know you. I'm not trying to change your mind, either. My life and my journey through space has given me a different perspective on existence than yours and THAT is beautiful. I don't want to be like you, I don't want to think like your christian friends, obsessing over some ancient book while believing it to be the infallible word of god when it's so full of contradiction. We only exist for a blip in time. Enjoy it. I don't know what comes next and neither do you. The difference is, that doesn't scare me.