Are you somehow under the impression we thought this was a real news story? I'm pretty sure it's made rather clear at the end of the article that this is a retelling of a historical event.
Yes, while the taxation and lack of representation were important factors it was the confiscation that provided the spark for the Revolutionary War. Not you, Matt. That was for Scottie.
Scottie, I appreciated the post, the unusual take on the event, and didn't want to skew the opinion of others following the link so I worded my initial comment carefully....vaguely. I thought it would be pretty obvious in the first sentence of the second paragraph...Massachusetts Gov. Thomas Gage. I never considered that someone would walk away thinking this was a current story.
Chet, Unfortunately history would have to be taught in school to remember the names posted in the article. Our country will find itself here one day in the future in such an article, and the rest of the population will wonder, How? Why?
My only concern is the amount of this material that get shared and taken seriously is alarming. I get it, however personally I'm not a fan of this kind of satire. I was just making sure others that saw the article and just read the headline knew it was satire.
The real irony is there are several states where this satire could be tomorrows real headlines. Where I live government troops confiscating guns would, find themselves to have a very large problem, just as the ones in the satire.
Sorry I'm jumping in so late. Very Chilling. All of our fore fathers were pretty much considered criminals. Yet we saw fit to base a country off of their ideals. Ideals that will serve us well if we stick to them. Unfortunately we have put criminals in charge of this country who seem to think that they know better than our fore fathers. Our way of life is slowly changing and eroding. Every day and every generation we come closer to being the criminals that the British hunted down, unfortunately it will be our own government, "For the people, and by the people." that will be hunting us down.
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Chet_Manly 10 years ago
Thank you for bringing awareness to this!
JakeLonergan 10 years ago
And we give away more of our freedoms every day.
scottie.hackleman 10 years ago
Please do your research before beliveing or posting online.">
Mattlockhart 10 years ago
Are you somehow under the impression we thought this was a real news story? I'm pretty sure it's made rather clear at the end of the article that this is a retelling of a historical event.
JakeLonergan 10 years ago
Yes, while the taxation and lack of representation were important factors it was the confiscation that provided the spark for the Revolutionary War. Not you, Matt. That was for Scottie.
Chet_Manly 10 years ago
Scottie, I appreciated the post, the unusual take on the event, and didn't want to skew the opinion of others following the link so I worded my initial comment carefully....vaguely. I thought it would be pretty obvious in the first sentence of the second paragraph...Massachusetts Gov. Thomas Gage.
I never considered that someone would walk away thinking this was a current story.
OmecD 10 years ago
Chet, Unfortunately history would have to be taught in school to remember the names posted in the article. Our country will find itself here one day in the future in such an article, and the rest of the population will wonder, How? Why?
nsyrax 10 years ago">
nsyrax 10 years ago
Disregard, didn't see the comments before I posted.
scottie.hackleman 10 years ago
My only concern is the amount of this material that get shared and taken seriously is alarming. I get it, however personally I'm not a fan of this kind of satire. I was just making sure others that saw the article and just read the headline knew it was satire.
acasey4014 10 years ago
The real irony is there are several states where this satire could be tomorrows real headlines. Where I live government troops confiscating guns would, find themselves to have a very large problem, just as the ones in the satire.
Gentleshy 10 years ago">
OmecD 10 years ago
Sorry I'm jumping in so late. Very Chilling. All of our fore fathers were pretty much considered criminals. Yet we saw fit to base a country off of their ideals. Ideals that will serve us well if we stick to them. Unfortunately we have put criminals in charge of this country who seem to think that they know better than our fore fathers. Our way of life is slowly changing and eroding. Every day and every generation we come closer to being the criminals that the British hunted down, unfortunately it will be our own government, "For the people, and by the people." that will be hunting us down.