How big are Obama's 2A lies?
Posted by elsueco from
Chet_Manly, ahnyerkeester, kmill and 1 other like this
About thiiiiiiiiiis big.
Chet_Manly, ahnyerkeester, kmill and 1 other like this
About thiiiiiiiiiis big.
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Chet_Manly 9 years, 10 months ago
Had to do a little grocery shopping and I needed some fresh asparagus and some apples but I couldn't find any; all I could find at the store was guns. What a disappointment!
Then I had to pick up a couple books for the kid's school project and yet again, all I could find are guns. No books in the library, just guns....even in the kindergartener section!
I'm sure there must be other neighborhoods where I can go easily buy both vegetables and books instead of guns, but who has the time to drive around and find such places, seriously?
It's ok though, my neighborhood just passed an ordnance allowing me to bring my machine guns (because I have lots of them, right?) to the bars while I drink away my problems. That'll help me cope...
Gee, thanks mister president for highlighting the problems in MY neighborhood!