

Great article I read the other day, and thought others may enjoy.


  • Robochess 9 years, 11 months ago

    Really excellent article. Actually relates to the topic of debate in our other conversation. That people get so emotionally involved in how well something works that they don't see anything else. Hmmm, I know this will probably frustrate you, but I challenge you to look at it from both perspectives, not just the accept truth.


    • egro 9 years, 11 months ago

      Robochess, I understand the points you were making yesterday, and I agree that medicine and science is not infallible. But when the majority of evidence points to a conclusion, the evidence to the contrary has a high burden to overcome it. The significant reduction in rates of disease due to vaccination is a very strong causational link, the claim that vaccines can trigger autism is a poor correlation, at best.

      I appreciate the conversation, and I apologize for using such strong language in my first comment of the prior discussion.


      • Robochess 9 years, 11 months ago

        Thanks ergo, I get it. And I understand your point, which is why I should have used another topic instead of autism. I actually don't believe there is a strong link, not enough to single it out, it is really a distractor from people that can read, think, and associate. So I appreciate the dialog. Thanks.
