The local phone company is rolling gigabit out in certain areas of Seattle. Of course, not in my area. I have no idea what they're charging for it. Probably not the $80 that Google does.
There is another side to this. As with all stories sometimes it is 'too good to be true'. The town I lived in bought and built its own cable/internet company. The costs were competitive but was also paid on the backs of the property tax paying residents. The cable company in this equated to 20-24% of the annual property taxes for the town. For me this made an effective 'cable bill' that on paper showed $49 but in reality made it $200 a month payment.
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glen 10 years ago
That's really interesting... almost twice as fast as Google Fiber. I live 30 minutes from Kansas City, and have been jealous ever since.
elsueco 10 years ago
The local phone company is rolling gigabit out in certain areas of Seattle. Of course, not in my area. I have no idea what they're charging for it. Probably not the $80 that Google does.
glen 10 years ago
Yeah Google Fiber is as cheap (or cheaper) than the other providers around here. Amazing.
barefootgreg 10 years ago
We get 1 gig fiber (not shared) to the house for $69 in Chattanooga from the local power company.
CharlesWGriswold 10 years ago
You wouldn't have to twist my arm. :-)
Nickolas 10 years ago
There is another side to this. As with all stories sometimes it is 'too good to be true'. The town I lived in bought and built its own cable/internet company. The costs were competitive but was also paid on the backs of the property tax paying residents. The cable company in this equated to 20-24% of the annual property taxes for the town. For me this made an effective 'cable bill' that on paper showed $49 but in reality made it $200 a month payment.
MikeBarbre 10 years ago
This is actually my hometown!!! Ephrata, WA, baby!!
MikeBarbre 10 years ago
This is my hometown!!! Ephrata, WA, baby!!