North Carolina Triad's Best BBQ Restaurants
glen, johnnymoose, ZETH_P and 1 other like this
I love BBQ. I have been fortunate to have lived in some of the best BBQ regions in the US as St. Louis and other states in the Southeast. To define this a bit, the 'Triad' or 'Piedmont' region of NC consists of generally Winston-Salem, Greesboro, Lexington, and High Point. The best areas for BBQ in my opinion are in the Eastern NC and Triad area. To the chagrin of Michelle Obama the worst areas or black holes for BBQ are the Charlotte and Raleigh areas. This is a little more regional of a post, but if you are traveling to the area, try some of these places. There are two styles of NC BBQ: Lexington (often mistakenly called Western NC) and Eastern NC. Lexington style is named after the city. Whereas Texas, Memphis, KC, and St. Louis style BBQ sauces are sweeter this is different from either Lexington or Eastern NC. Both styles are vinegar based and is not really something that many experience outside of NC. What is also unique about NC BBQ is that most all places only focus on pork. Being the largest pork producing state that is why. There also are few places that sell ribs. Pulled, chopped, sliced pork is usually your choice with a side of cole slaw, hush puppies, etc.
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Razorback 10 years, 2 months ago
Great resource Nickolas. When I travel throughout the South, I always try to find the best hole-in-the-wall BBQ joints. I have found that the ones you see on Food Network and other major outlets are the worst. For example, people flock to Rendezvous in Memphis but in reality, it is average BBQ at best. Just over-hyped.
I love all types but am somewhat partial to the KC style (sugar-based sauce). There are several locations in Arkansas that serve NC-style (vinegar-based sauce) and those are great as well. Memphis has some of the best dry-rub ribs around and Texas frowns on sauce in many locations. As for me, it's hard to find any BBQ I don't like.
On my wish list is to visit Jones BBQ in Marion, AR (just outside of Memphis). He only makes pulled pork. I believe he is also the only BBQ joint to ever receive the prestigious James Beard award. If you are ever in that area, you might want to check it out. But be early. Once it's gone, he locks the door.">
ZETH_P 10 years, 2 months ago
Love some good Eastern NC BBQ. The grandparents do a whole hog every year for Christmas. It's easily my favorite meal of the year.