sam_acw, Chet_Manly, tyrell.rankin and 3 others like this
A cop kills a thug and the media would have you believe the world is coming to an end. Militants slaughter 2,000 people and the media barely mentions it.
Added in Going to Hell in a Bucket
sam_acw, Chet_Manly, tyrell.rankin and 3 others like this
A cop kills a thug and the media would have you believe the world is coming to an end. Militants slaughter 2,000 people and the media barely mentions it.
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sam_acw 10 years, 1 month ago
Because, like the Stokholm riots, Rotherham abuse rings and many other stories - it doesn't fit the narrative people want to push.
Chet_Manly 10 years, 1 month ago
Beat me to it.
CharlesWGriswold 10 years, 1 month ago
I wish I had a rational answer, but I don't. The only answer I have is tribalism. France is part of our tribe. Borno isn't. It's sad, but that's the way our minds work.