Power Pins
Posted by barefootgreg from fret12.com
Razorback, Memphiskc, johnnymoose and 1 other like this
Interesting concept, I might try a set.... If someone were to give me a set.
Razorback, Memphiskc, johnnymoose and 1 other like this
Interesting concept, I might try a set.... If someone were to give me a set.
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Razorback 10 years, 3 months ago
That is a potential game changer. $50/set seems a little steep but if they last a lifetime, they would pay for themselves in a few years.
Nice find. Thanks for sharing!
barefootgreg 10 years, 3 months ago
Yes, $50 is too high, I have never had an issue changing strings on an acoustic but I'm always interested in making life easier. I wonder what "real" effect they have on the sound and on bridge pickups?
Razorback 10 years, 3 months ago
I have a couple of higher-end Martin's in my collection and it always makes me nervous putting strings on them (don't know why, it just does). I think the convenience would be the main thing as well as some piece of mind.
barefootgreg 10 years, 3 months ago
I cannot argue with that.
Memphiskc 10 years, 3 months ago
I don't mind changing my strings using bridge pins, it's when my guitar gets some extra inspection and cleaning. call me a kid but I kinda like the anticipation of hearing those new strings once tuned and well, there's nothing like the sound of new strings!