marcanthony.mandin, Tyler, partenope and 3 others like this
Build A Cabin In A Weekend For Under $5,000
Added in Homestead
marcanthony.mandin, Tyler, partenope and 3 others like this
Build A Cabin In A Weekend For Under $5,000
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Nickolas 10 years, 2 months ago
Again BS. Can you really call it a cabin? It is a shed with two windows and a door. There is zero inside. Would you buy a car off the lot without wheels, seats or doors? That is what you have here.
livinggreen 10 years, 2 months ago
cabin definition - a small shelter or house in a wild or remote area.
a cabin is not a car so no need to compare them.
Nickolas 10 years, 2 months ago
Have you even worked out the pricing for this? By all definition this is a shed. There are no sinks included in the cost, there are no other items other than the exterior skeleton included in the costs. This is a shed. Pretty much most would agree that a "Cabin" would include a sink, toilet, kitchen area. etc. This is not a "Cabin". Sorry to be blunt.
Chet_Manly 10 years, 2 months ago
Mr. Livinggreen, I think Nickolas makes a valid point. It seems heavy on the gloss & polish; lighter on execution & substance, IMO.
As I am currently building a house, I agree that your cost projections are significantly low.... Perhaps not impossible for an experienced individual, but less than realistic for a good quality final product.