FenrisFirst, kilroy182 likes this
November is coming and with it some of the most anticipated movie premieres. Let us present to you those which we personally are counting the hours to (in an ascending order).
Added in Cinema
FenrisFirst, kilroy182 likes this
November is coming and with it some of the most anticipated movie premieres. Let us present to you those which we personally are counting the hours to (in an ascending order).
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JakeLonergan 10 years, 3 months ago
Otherwise known as "Everything Wrong With The Movie Industry".
Nickolas 10 years, 3 months ago
:-) You are correct Sir!!!
Nickolas 10 years, 3 months ago
I cannot remember the last time I visited a movie theater. Why should I? Also I really cannot remember the last movie I downloaded on the AppleTV and enjoyed with my wife. Sorry but Hollywood produces complete crap these days. Most plots are tired with political statements to make or wrapped somewhere in the context. Then there are the continuous retreads of comics and old movies. Hipsters may love these but then again they are most likely baked out of their minds while watching and think that their 'intellectual' conversation afterwards justifies them spending $14 a ticket. Just sayin' ;-)
JakeLonergan 10 years, 3 months ago
Yes, yes and, um...YES!
JakeLonergan 10 years, 3 months ago
Want to have some fun? Go to YouTube and Search for "Cinema Sins channel". This guy counts up movie mistakes in a group called "Everything Wrong With" and these are often more entertaining than the original movie. He has some other lineups, like "What's The Damage?" (for movies like Die Hard or Godzilla), but I think EWW is the best.
Also, we go to the movies about once a year. Used to be for Harry Potter (Don't hate me!). Before that it was Lord Of The Rings and now it's The Hobbit. Just not much out there I can't wait for on DVD or BD to watch on my home theater. And I'm disappointed in a lot of that!