Project HARP Space Gun| Atlas Obscura
Posted by BenEspen from
johnleonardphoto, Chet_Manly, Carpen and 8 others like this
A giant gun for shooting things into space. Nuff said.
johnleonardphoto, Chet_Manly, Carpen and 8 others like this
A giant gun for shooting things into space. Nuff said.
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BenEspen 10 years, 4 months ago
Once I looked into this, it turned out more needed to be said. The guy who came up with all this ended up selling artillery to South Africa, serving a jail term in the US, improving SCUD missiles for Saddam Hussein, and being assassinated by parties unknown. You can't make this stuff up.">
CharlesWGriswold 10 years, 4 months ago
The real trick is making something go fast enough to make it into orbit without having it burn up due to atmospheric friction. Atmosphere is a real drag.