jcomeaux, JakeLonergan, Chet_Manly and 9 others like this
Really good article.
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Source: www.frontpagemag.com via kilroy182 on Gentlemint
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Excellent! And if there are any articles discussing the counterpoint in such a reasonable way, I'd be happy to read those as well....it's just that I've not seen them.
It rings very true. There's no one less tolerant of others' ideas than those whol love "tolerance"
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jcomeaux 10 years, 4 months ago
Excellent! And if there are any articles discussing the counterpoint in such a reasonable way, I'd be happy to read those as well....it's just that I've not seen them.
sam_acw 10 years, 4 months ago
It rings very true. There's no one less tolerant of others' ideas than those whol love "tolerance"