Razorback, SuperdanTX, repps86 and 5 others like this
This is just freaking awesome. It maybe cheesy to some but man this kid is living a dream I am sure at that age.
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Razorback, SuperdanTX, repps86 and 5 others like this
This is just freaking awesome. It maybe cheesy to some but man this kid is living a dream I am sure at that age.
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SuperdanTX 10 years, 2 months ago
This little guy knows how to fist bump like a BOSS. 8 yrs old with downs, and survived cancer at age 4. He's a huge Bruins fan, so this was a special night for him.
Yet another reason to love the game of hockey.
Like we needed one!
johnleonardphoto 10 years, 2 months ago
You won't find classier athletes than in the game of hockey. I dare say more involved in their communities, charities, and personal development of character than any other sport. It's the only pro sport I still watch.