I live a blessed life
Posted by chrisbrogan from www.ddpyoga.com
Diamond Dallas Page just left me a message to call him back. This is the guy teaching me yoga (via DVDs). Can't wait to see what the MAN himself has to say. : )
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glen 13 years ago
Wait, you didn't PICK UP?!
Seriously though, that's pretty awesome.
chrisbrogan 13 years ago
@Glen - he contacted me via my contact form. Believe me, if I had any clue, I'd have answered with bells on.
Can't wait to see what he has to say.
brian 13 years ago
Thats freaking awesome.
glen 13 years ago
Haha. Funny thing is, I was never much into WWF growing up, but even *I* knew who Diamond Dallas was. So cool.
chrisbrogan 13 years ago
@glen - that's where it's funnier to me. I had no idea who he was until after I knew of him as some yoga dude. Thing is, his program really works well for me, and it got me over the "men don't do yoga" hump quite nicely.
chrisbrogan 13 years ago
Just finished talking with him. What a regular guy. I mean, realize that this guy is a former pro wrestler. But what a down-to-earth and personable guy. Can't wait to talk more with him. We're going to shoot a video for Shhh! The Secret Show. ( http://scrt.co">http://scrt.co)
glen 13 years ago
Very cool. I'm not gonna watch unless he gives the diamond though ;)