A Guide to Manual Coffee Brewing | Huckberry
ahnyerkeester, CharlesWGriswold, avdoty and 2 others like this
"It comes as little surprise that coffee is one of the most widely-consumed beverages on the planet, but the figure is still astonishing — every day, Earth sips about 2.25 billion cups of the stuff. From iced caramel double-pump whatevers to shade-grown, single-origin craft coffees, the size and scope of the coffee industry is immense, and for good reason. Coffee, in more ways than one, keeps the world running — day after day, year after year.
For those of us who are coffee addicts drinkers, the last place we want to find ourselves without a cup of warm, caffeinated goodness is out on the trail, where more to see and do than there is time, and every bit of energy goes a long way to carrying on the adventure, while it lasts.
But while we drink coffee in both locales, there are coffee brewers that belong in the wilderness, and ones that should remain at home in the city — away from the knapsacks, campfires, carabiners and sheer cliffs. Here’s an easy categorical guide to selecting a location-appropriate brewer, complete with the quality and type of brew you can expect from each."
Written by Shelby Moore
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ahnyerkeester 10 years, 5 months ago
I own two Aeropress pots. One for home and one for the office. They are a great way to brew one cup at a time. Now I just need to find a good coffee roaster nearby...
ahnyerkeester 10 years, 5 months ago
BTW, I'm brewing one now. :)
tinman97030 10 years, 5 months ago
But have you tried cold brewed coffee? Brewed at room temperature. this is the smoothest cup of joe you will find anywhere! this is what I use since the early 80's http://toddycafe.com/">http://toddycafe.com/