Nickolas, Chet_Manly, kerrazy and 14 others like this
I'm outspoken on this subject and have made more than a few women as well as "men" angry.
My wife and I share the responsibilities of our home but I lead.
Nickolas, Chet_Manly, kerrazy and 14 others like this
I'm outspoken on this subject and have made more than a few women as well as "men" angry.
My wife and I share the responsibilities of our home but I lead.
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Nickolas 10 years, 5 months ago
Great article and well said!
Chet_Manly 10 years, 5 months ago
I would double curl the 'stache for this one. Having spent time as a stay at home dad for three all too young to be in school, I know it isn't easy but it is rewarding. I took my job seriously and my relationship with both kids and wife has only gotten better for it. My wife and I are team and that respect we have for each other is earned both ways.
I wish I knew how to help other guys achieve positive results as a father and husband. but since I don't, this soap box will have to do.
Memphiskc 10 years, 5 months ago
I tip my hat to you and keep on your soap box!
glen 10 years, 5 months ago
Well done, Chet!
AmazngSpiderpig 10 years, 5 months ago
Best mint I've seen in a while!