Chet_Manly, johnnymoose, kmill and 2 others like this
Ventura says “I can’t go to a SEAL reunion anymore. That was the one place where I always felt safe. I can’t go there anymore without looking over my shoulder now wondering who is going to come after me next.”
For old times' sake he should go to just one more. To say goodbye.
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KiltedKev 10 years, 7 months ago
Kyle "hurt" this guy's career? I think that Mr. Ventura has done that on his own. Besides, although he considers himself a christian, he turns a blind eye the command to "care for widows and orphans." James 1:27. He's a sad man.
ben.terry 10 years, 7 months ago
So, Blain "Doesn't have time to bleed", but he makes time to cry.