Spare the Job, Wreck the Child - Gavin McInnes
Posted by Chet_Manly from
BenEspen, JakeLonergan, emtay likes this
Here some perspective and wisdom for all us father out there with kids still young enough to be molded properly.
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JakeLonergan 10 years, 6 months ago
We sure had our kid do some work. In the neighborhood he's been a gardener, pool maintenance man and construction helper. He just made a bunch of money digging a ditch for a guy nearby. And you know what? He likes it. He appreciates the work his mom and I do. It's very gratifying to us. After his senior year he's going to college for an AA in, wait for it! Welding! Some damn good money there. I just couldn't believe the news report I saw that we had to import a batch of welders from India to build a bridge in California due to the shortage in the U.S. Every job right out of college does not come with an Armani suit and a BMW, right now the new working class has the edge but only if they really want to work. Teach them the value of work young!
Chet_Manly 10 years, 6 months ago
It is always good to hear parenting success stories. I know enough about welding to appreciate that it can be an art form just as much as a technical skill. I wish him well.
Mine are a bit younger and we focus on attitude, focus and attention to detail in doing both chores and school work (which is done daily regardless of homework) and I'm hoping it becomes a culture in our house. Leading by example (as a parenting tool) is always effective enough. Thanks for the encouraging post.
emtay 10 years, 6 months ago
Good stuff! Aside from my kids daily chores I asked my 11 year old son to be a pall bearer at his great uncles funeral with me this past weekend. I felt that he understood the importance of it and thought it to be a great lesson for him in respect and the whole life/death experience.