Hitachi Finishing Pneumatic Nailer
Chet_Manly, johnnymoose, squeej and 1 other like this
Last year I bought a Harbor Freight 21 gallon air compressor with one of their "super coupons". I thought it might come in handy for a variety of tasks and that has certainly been true. Since I'm not making a daily living using certain tools, I go with HF for little used stuff like this. This week, while replacing rotted and dog-damaged door casings at our new house I decided it was time to try a air nail gun. Harbor Freight had an angled model for $80. It's so far away, though, that I decided to take a quick look at the local Lowes to see what they might have in stock. That's where I found this little beauty for only $70. It's not as beefy as the one you'd make a living with but it will certainly suffice for the average home user. I have seen how much my contractor brother-in-law likes the Hitachi brand and this model gives me an inkling why. BTW, while the instruction manual says not to use brads longer than 50mm (2"), the 51mm Hitachi brads Lowes sells in the store work fine. This after calling the store in a panic that I bought the wrong brads. No wonder men ignore the owner's manual so often. Nothing but trouble! I went with the Lowes link only because the Hitachi link wasn't any more informative, other than downloading the troublesome owner's manual.
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marcanthony.mandin 10 years, 5 months ago
I bought this nailer too when i was re-modeling our house. Used it for Crown Molding, Trim, and quarter round. Now that the re-model is over i have used it to build our Warre Bee Hives. Its a great tool to have.
Chet_Manly 10 years, 5 months ago
More posts like this please! Honest feedback on products that normal guys (vs paid reviewers or a marketing "review") are using. I don't need a nail/brad gun yet, but I always appreciate honest feedback on products. Good stuff!
Nickolas 10 years, 5 months ago
Second that. Great post.