How stupid are we trying to make our children? Watching this will piss you off. If you're a parent, you're probably already there.
JakeLonergan, McWayne, Schmitty likes this
How stupid are we trying to make our children? Watching this will piss you off. If you're a parent, you're probably already there.
JakeLonergan, McWayne, Schmitty likes this
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JakeLonergan 10 years, 7 months ago
It's because there is so much money and competition in school text books. Not unlike carmakers, these people have adopted a theory that everything must change to stand out. And Educrats are just as susceptible as anyone else to "the shiny". Ever noticed that the first model year of a new body style of a car you like is usually the sleekest and definitive version of the car? Each successive year brings new exterior "features" and bulges in the sheet metal until your once-favorite car model is an unsightly and ungainly beast. So it goes in the textbook realm. Go buy the '67 (or 2005) Ford Mustang. Newer doesn't make it better. Unless you want Bluetooth, of course.