

Detroit has experienced 37 percent fewer robberies than it did last year, and Police Chief James Craig is crediting armed citizens for the drop.


  • elsueco

    elsueco 10 years, 7 months ago

    Wait for it, wait for it... and, there:

    "Josh Horwitz, director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, in Washington, D.C., disagreed, arguing that “more guns equals more crime.”

    “These are complicated issues, but the empirical evidence shows the states with the lowest gun ownership and the tightest restrictions have the fewest instances of gun violence,” he said."

    I should look up the word "empirical". I didn't think it was a synonym for "make believe".


  • Filadog

    Filadog 10 years, 7 months ago

    And in related news, citizens in Detroit were forced to use umbrellas to shield them, not from but ran, but from debris caused by Liberal heads exploding.

    *News edit: The umbrellas proved useless due to being inverted from the bigger threat of extreme wind gusts being released from said exploding Liberal heads.
