

That sound? Steve Jobs spinning. Remember when IBM was the enemy to be defeated? Kidding aside, this is pretty good news. Apple sucks at enterprise and IBM has largely left the PC market so this might be a good team up.


  • Nickolas

    Nickolas 10 years, 7 months ago

    I have worked for both IBM and Apple. I worked for Apple when folks did not care about Macs and during a wonderful time of its explosion and growth through the iPhone. Met with Steve Jobs and Tim Cook. Steve is the unintentional jerk people portray him. Tim is probably the smartest man I have ever met and spoke with. Both were/are leaders in the modern world with their own talents.

    This is a great move by Ginni and IBM/Apple. To give IBM credit has been making these moves long ago. This is why IBM has survived for over 100 years and is still innovating. It is a great culture of work ethic and innovation. It is well summed up in the "THINK" mantra made by Watson long ago.

    It has been a pleasure to meet and work for two great companies. It will be a pleasure to watch how this plays out down the road and be part of it.


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 10 years, 7 months ago

    This is why those 100 shares of Apple ($15 each!) I bought for my baby son in 1997 will buy him a house someday. Faith that Apple would do the things that other companies couldn't conceive of doing.

    Now, why didn't I buy some for myself as well? DAMMIT!!
