BenEspen, CharlesWGriswold, johnnymoose likes this
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Interesting story. I'm pretty sure I don't care what she says, but I guess L'Oreal can do whatever they want.
Cabella's should hire this girl. :-)
Corporations aren't people. Until they agree with our sensibilities and fire people for supporting/opposing things we oppose/support. Then they act like people and we applaud.
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BenEspen 10 years, 6 months ago
Interesting story. I'm pretty sure I don't care what she says, but I guess L'Oreal can do whatever they want.
CharlesWGriswold 10 years, 6 months ago
Cabella's should hire this girl. :-)
ahnyerkeester 10 years, 6 months ago
Corporations aren't people. Until they agree with our sensibilities and fire people for supporting/opposing things we oppose/support. Then they act like people and we applaud.