pduffie, Razorback, daemon and 5 others like this
Comments here are very funny as well. Especially one by "dolemite". nyahaha
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Source: gawker.com via groovetrain on Gentlemint
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It's all fun and games for these ladies until it goes viral.
it's almost worse than a police report.
Given their desire for penis grabbing, one can't help but wonder if they're related to Beulah Balbricker. The one thief kinda looks like her.
Extra points for the 'Porky's' reference!
From the collection funny:
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Nickolas 10 years, 8 months ago
It's all fun and games for these ladies until it goes viral.
groovetrain 10 years, 8 months ago
it's almost worse than a police report.
BenW 10 years, 8 months ago
Given their desire for penis grabbing, one can't help but wonder if they're related to Beulah Balbricker. The one thief kinda looks like her.
Razorback 10 years, 8 months ago
Extra points for the 'Porky's' reference!