

  • squeej likes this link
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squeej, FadingShadowz, glen and 2 others like this


  • Mattlockhart

    Mattlockhart 10 years, 9 months ago

    Brilliant! This is a truly an egregious proposition to further control the minds of the masses. Dark days ahead if we don't do something about this.


    • High_Binder 10 years, 9 months ago

      The dark days are already here, we (society) are just too stupid to realize it.


      • Mattlockhart

        Mattlockhart 10 years, 9 months ago

        I don't know if it's stupidity per se, though it definitely plays a part. I think apathy is the chief issue at play. We've been trained to not care. We also see the issue as being so big and so high up in the "food-chain" that it's out of our control as individuals. It's hard to see how the individual has any power or can make any difference, therefore we just sit idly by thinking "I can't do anything about it, I'm just one person". Apathy and complacency I think are the biggest issues, IMO.


  • cjcs

    cjcs 10 years, 9 months ago

    John Oliver is killing it with his new show, he's an easy contender for funniest man on television right now. For anyone who didn't watch the whole thing, be sure to go to and let them know you support an open and neutral internet.
