

My wife was a Public school teacher in many states. We both are a product of Public Education but will raise our children at home. We believe that Public education has the best interests of the Politicians and NEA and no longer kids.


  • Chet_Manly

    Chet_Manly 10 years, 7 months ago

    I believe that numbers 1, 5 & 6 are compelling enough. Critical thought & intellectual self awareness is so scarce but important. I would add that home schooling allows for a more cohesive family bond and stronger parent child relationship....if the parent is truly trying (it likely won't just happen on its own though).
    I also believe that kids have more free time when homeschooled and that can allow for the development of non-classroom skills.

    That being said, I believe it is dangerous to homeschool solely out of fear or protecting the child from "life" and society.

    Nickolas: You've had some excellent minting and commenting. A tip o' the hat to you, Sir.


  • Sewell28 10 years, 7 months ago

    Anyone against vaccinations need to reexamine their thought processes. Their tone would change quick if smallpox or polio reappeared in the states.


    • Nickolas

      Nickolas 10 years, 7 months ago

      I do not think that most would get rid of vaccinations, but there is a revolt against the amount, velocity and requirement of the vaccinations. The USA has 36 required vaccinations for kids under 5 the average is 11 for the rest of modern developed countries. The USA has still ranks as one of the worst for infant mortality rates and still the worst for autism. Did you know that in 1986 it was passed into law that Drug companies cannot be sued for children vaccinations or found liable? If they were so wonderful for kids why put the law in place to protect the Drug companies? I thought point of the vaccination was to protect the kids?


    • Nickolas

      Nickolas 10 years, 7 months ago

      I do not think that most would get rid of vaccinations, but there is a revolt against the amount, velocity and requirement of the vaccinations. The USA has 36 required vaccinations for kids under 5 the average is 11 for the rest of modern developed countries. The USA has still ranks as one of the worst for infant mortality rates and still the worst for autism. Did you know that in 1986 it was passed into law that Drug companies cannot be sued for children vaccinations or found liable? If they were so wonderful for kids why put the law in place to protect the Drug companies? I thought point of the vaccination was to protect the kids?

      for reference">
