Buffalo | America's Best Designed City
Posted by Stevie77 from www.buffalo.com
We're moving back east and looking to buy our first home. As an active couple with dogs, I was really interested in finding a walkable area to settle. No such luck. In looking for just a decent neighborhood with sidewalks I found this. Its crazy what little things like those sidewalks and common areas do for building a community. When friends and I discuss what the big problem with America is, I really think its the lack of a sense of "community" in the full scope of the word. This is not where we're headed but my mind is blown. I would move here in a flash if the military would let us.
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wake 10 years, 11 months ago
I'm from Western NY, and Buffalo is a wonderful city with a great history.
wake 10 years, 11 months ago
Joseph Ellicott was an initial designer, and his brother Andrew was involved in the initial planning of Washington D.C.
Kevin 10 years, 11 months ago
Great town, spectacular video. Very proud of what my hometown is becoming.
asray 10 years, 11 months ago
AVERAGE annual snowfall of about 8 ft. Yeah, it's walkable probably cause your car won't crank or is just buried.
No thanks.