Great commercial from Thailand (I think). I am not ashamed that I shed a tear. It was a manly tear, it had a beard.
Razorback, JakeLonergan, Todd73 and 2 others like this
Great commercial from Thailand (I think). I am not ashamed that I shed a tear. It was a manly tear, it had a beard.
Razorback, JakeLonergan, Todd73 and 2 others like this
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JakeLonergan 10 years, 11 months ago
This is so my wife. She helps everybody and, as a mailman, she comes across many. She was so down on the phone last night. Her workplace sucks (workplace, not the job) and she's been running everything at home in CA while I sit on my hands in MO the past two months waiting for our short sale house purchase to close (nothing like government involvement on the seller's end to really mess things up, let's invite more government intrusion into our lives!). I've just sent this to her. Thanks for posting it! I know it will help her!