Just did my front doors, and it works. $17 at Lowes. One roll covered both front doors. It's not as good as Dynamat, but on my beater Crown Vic daily driver it's a nice compromise on price vs function.
PS- Not me or my video
Added in Cars
Just did my front doors, and it works. $17 at Lowes. One roll covered both front doors. It's not as good as Dynamat, but on my beater Crown Vic daily driver it's a nice compromise on price vs function.
PS- Not me or my video
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57plymouth 10 years, 11 months ago
Once Peel and Seal gets nice and warm in the summer sun it starts to stink of asphalt.
johnleonardphoto 10 years, 11 months ago
I did read that before installing. I will report back if I have the issue or not.
johnleonardphoto 10 years, 9 months ago
It's now June, still no issues with odors of any kind.