Chet_Manly, justb, JakeLonergan and 3 others like this
The hosts of the popular, politically incorrect “Opie & Anthony Show” on SiriusXM Radio went off on Obamacare Thursday after revealing their health care plans have been cancelled due to new regulations.
(Opie and Anthony)
(Opie and Anthony)
Greg “Opie” Hughes, who has a wife and two kids, said he recently received a cancellation notice in the mail, voiding a health care plan that was “perfect” for him and his family. He also angrily described just how complicated the associated paperwork is, which he said might be done on purpose.
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JakeLonergan 10 years, 11 months ago
Obamacare - Making Conservatives Across The Country!
OmecD 10 years, 11 months ago
Obama is the best thing that happened to the GOP and the worst thing that happened to this country. One more term. Use your Pen and Phone. Go Obama.....
Chet_Manly 10 years, 11 months ago
Him facing the results of his terrible policies were the ONLY silver lining of the miserable storm cloud of his reelection. Plus the fact that as his star fades, movement of personal liberty may in fact long as we can keep the progressive Republicans out of power: the Karl Rove & McConnell & Cantor types.