


  • OmecD

    OmecD 10 years, 10 months ago

    Where does this stop? When do we say enough? When?


    • Chet_Manly

      Chet_Manly 10 years, 10 months ago

      Like you have said, non-compliance is the only way to go right now. It is also up to us to financially support as we are able, a business like this or politicians who will take a stand. We are defending a natural right and looking at others who have taken a stand to defend a natural right; our founders, Ghandi, MLK, the truth always wins in the end. I think "they" (politicians and fourth branch beuracracy) seriously underestimate how sacred most Americans hold values like the right to self defense and the right to free speech. People like this store owner who would rather go down than compromise values are the way forward, but their plight has to be told and light has to be shone on the situation. One reason I appreciate this place. It brings things to my attention that I might not see in the traditional news outlets.


      • OmecD

        OmecD 10 years, 10 months ago

        Its just my gut reaction every time I read or hear news like this. Its visceral and my ID/ego kicks in. Then I throw the question out there for other people to reason why. Make the people think is part of the plan, wake them up. Here on this site we have a good forum for it.

        Non Compliance will have to rein is this up and coming era. You are right financial support unfortunately is the language that Washington seems to understand. I a firm believer in the NRA.

        My hat is off to this store owner he has done what people have only talked about doing.. He is on the verge of losing his business and his lively hood. His has put his customers and our constitution first. If every member of society stood up and resisted when affected like him we would have a country closer to the principles of its foundation.


        • Chet_Manly

          Chet_Manly 10 years, 10 months ago

          Agreed. This is a very interesting place for the "robust exchange of ideas" as I refer to it.
          One thing about this administration (and the previous to a large degree) that heartens me is that it has caused those who value freedom and natural rights, to struggle. People who must struggle and fight are stronger because of their trials.
