

This is the story I wanted to post but it won't let me.

This week the environmental movement suffered its biggest defeat since Climategate. And at the hands of its most hated enemy: Big Oil.
Here are the reasons why the court ruling by a US federal judge that Chevron should not have to pay $9.5 billion in damages to victims of oil pollution in Ecuador is a victory for common sense and justice which we should all be celebrating.


  • Chet_Manly

    Chet_Manly 11 years ago

    The environmental movement started pushing this, they wrapped it in a political adgenda and that is where they went wrong. AlGore did long term damage to his cause because, despite how alarmist his movie was, his lifestyle didn't even remotely match his words. That is why there is so much pushback on the issue of global warming... now called climate change. That linked article does nothing to make me less skeptical of this movement but I am naturally skeptical in the first place. I see "climate change" as a way for one group to try and exert control over the actions of others and personally, I can not support that. The fact that the climate is changing is secondary to the main issue which is control.


    • Chet_Manly

      Chet_Manly 11 years ago

      That being said, I don't trust Chevron either but Chevron doesn't have the power of the federal government to try and assert control over what others do.
