Mark Steyn is going for the throat against Michael Mann (aka 'hockey stick graph boy'). Mann is suing him for defamation or something, but has already had a couple of lawsuits against others tossed out because he will not release any of his data. So Steyn is counter-suing for a few million in the hopes of making the fraud put up or shut up.
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macbaker 10 years, 11 months ago
Talk about an inconvenient truth! Al Gore, you have some splaining to do!
kilroy182 10 years, 11 months ago
Mark Steyn is going for the throat against Michael Mann (aka 'hockey stick graph boy'). Mann is suing him for defamation or something, but has already had a couple of lawsuits against others tossed out because he will not release any of his data. So Steyn is counter-suing for a few million in the hopes of making the fraud put up or shut up.
kilroy182 10 years, 11 months ago">
tinman97030 10 years, 11 months ago
quite amazing.