Low-Wage Nation
elsueco, High_Binder, Chet_Manly and 2 others like this
Up here in Seattle, unions, leftists, and our new socialist party councilwoman are pushing to increase the minimum wage from $9.32 an hour to $15 an hour. While I feel sorry that these people are in their particular predicaments, it seems that a lot of it comes down to choices. Anywhere from choices in life (popping out multiple babies) to choices in cell phone plans ($110 a month?) to weekend entertainment (trips to the karaoke bar with $10 cocktails). Seems like they're not exactly maximizing their dollars. I believe that the minimum wage over here IS too low to sustain the cost of living. However, I believe that the answer lies in improving the economy and prospects for upward mobility rather than increasing reliance on governmental welfare at the expense of the economic producers.
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Chet_Manly 10 years, 11 months ago
Yep. Raising the minimum wage subsidizes the lowest productive worker and increases the competition for entry level jobs, hurting those without skills/experience the most. You mentioned choices and I've read multiple places though I can't immediately site it (not my original thoughts though) the three things one must NOT do to be successful.
1. Graduate from high school
2. Do not do drugs (I'm editorializing: avoid addictive behavior especially when it has a price tag like drinking or video games)
3. Don't have a child until you are married.
If our families were stronger and did a better job of teaching these values I wonder if the minimum wage fight would be the same as it is now.
partenope 10 years, 11 months ago
Choices?..uhm, maybe, sometimes, for some. However, being born from a poor family, or a drug addicted single parent, or any other unfortunate situation sometimes does make a difference...like being born from a wealthy family or a "politician's dynasty"....some do have it easier than others....and not for their own choices. And (just in case) this is only an observation, not a "socialist statement"......
theduck71 10 years, 10 months ago
Thanks Obama!
Raising the minimum wage is only going to incur the cost of life going up, there fore they will be back in the same predicament that they are currently in. Then the people who have worked hard to get out of that range, are going to have a lower value for their hard work. Why cant libs/socialist see that?