Best comment: "The comments in the articles are special. So what if numerous dive professionals have explained why it doesn't work, where can I get one NOW?"
The only way you could extract 630 liters of oxygen from a liter of water is by splitting the water molecule. That's done by electrolysis, not by gills, artificial or otherwise. Either the writer of the article got his technology confused, or the device is a hoax.
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rahnsensei 11 years ago
only conceptual. Also the korean guy that designed it totally stole the idea from star wars.
elsueco 11 years ago
Best comment:
"The comments in the articles are special. So what if numerous dive professionals have explained why it doesn't work, where can I get one NOW?"
CharlesWGriswold 11 years ago
The only way you could extract 630 liters of oxygen from a liter of water is by splitting the water molecule. That's done by electrolysis, not by gills, artificial or otherwise. Either the writer of the article got his technology confused, or the device is a hoax.