


  • Chet_Manly

    Chet_Manly 11 years ago

    There also comes a point of diminishing returns and I would rather spend capital fixing more pressing issues than sinking billions into not-yet-ready-for-prime-time energy products and forcing the environmental adgenda/products down others throats. When we are close to splitting hairs regarding the cleanliness of air and water I start to feel like someone is too closely tied to their personal agenda. But that is me and I would rather see personal responsibility reign supreme than embrace any type of fascism, environmental or otherwise.


    • elsueco

      elsueco 11 years ago

      Exactly, Chet. I object to wasting tax dollars (or Chinese credit) to line the pockets of Al Gore and Solyndra. Al Gore and his ilk are to environmentalism what Al Sharpton is to equality and civil rights.
