Another case in a tragically broken legal system. This should have been thrown out immediately with both legal representation and plaintiff fined for wasting the court's time. If I were the judge, I would go so far as to require an apology from both to the the boy and his family.
Apparently it hasn't yet made it to court, so that may still happen. Hopefully it does. Our bureaucratic legal system is indeed broken and it's costing this poor family a lot of money. I'd file a countersuit if I were them.
"In legal papers filed in court, the teen's former coach, Alan Beck, contends the boy "carelessly threw a helmet, striking Plaintiff's Achilles tendon and tearing it.
The legal filings show Beck is seeking $500,000 for pain and suffering, and more than $100,000 for lost wages and medical bills."
Wow, that took an unexpected turn. I can't imagine this will go anywhere though. There's no way that this kid intended to injure anyone, and it's questionable whether or not a child-sized baseball helmet even has the potential to tear someone's Achilles tendon.
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mango333 11 years, 2 months ago
Another case in a tragically broken legal system. This should have been thrown out immediately with both legal representation and plaintiff fined for wasting the court's time. If I were the judge, I would go so far as to require an apology from both to the the boy and his family.
Mattlockhart 11 years, 2 months ago
Apparently it hasn't yet made it to court, so that may still happen. Hopefully it does. Our bureaucratic legal system is indeed broken and it's costing this poor family a lot of money. I'd file a countersuit if I were them.
ben.terry 11 years, 2 months ago
cjcs 11 years, 2 months ago
"In legal papers filed in court, the teen's former coach, Alan Beck, contends the boy "carelessly threw a helmet, striking Plaintiff's Achilles tendon and tearing it.
The legal filings show Beck is seeking $500,000 for pain and suffering, and more than $100,000 for lost wages and medical bills."
Wow, that took an unexpected turn. I can't imagine this will go anywhere though. There's no way that this kid intended to injure anyone, and it's questionable whether or not a child-sized baseball helmet even has the potential to tear someone's Achilles tendon.