

Magpul Announces Location of Their New Operations After Leaving Colorado Due to New Gun Laws

Added in Gun Stuff


  • MAC1701

    MAC1701 11 years ago

    Amen and I will definitely spend more with them. This is how patriotic people and companies should respond to government oppression. Yes to the Hope & Change crowd... We are paying attention and we are voting with our heart and our wallet. 2 more years to go if we are lucky.


    • JakeLonergan

      JakeLonergan 11 years ago

      Yeah, brother! I just now ordered a Magpul MOE Rifle Stock to go on the lower I'm building for my .300BLK upper, which has MOE furniture all over it. My next builds will be all Magpul, all the time.


  • Filadog

    Filadog 11 years ago

    Haha. So.....I thought Liberals wanted to pass legislation that would SAVE jobs? Maybe if the folks in Colorado weren't so stoned all the time would realize that they just shot themselves in the foot. (allow me to enjoy that pun for a moment....)
