ahnyerkeester, CoolPile, amlan89 likes this
"Character is a hidden trait. Many a young man undertakes foolish risks and stupid dares, leaping from rooftops or riding bikes on railroad trestles, not from any self-destructive impulse, but because of a burning need to discover what his own character is. Is he a coward or not? He cannot know this unless he sees himself under stress, in an emergency. Hence some young men concoct artificial emergencies by taking up dares or doing daring stunts or doing deeds of derring-do."
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JakeLonergan 11 years, 2 months ago
Mr. Wright got this absolutely...er..."right".
And I always wondered what attracted me to Pride And Prejudice. It was Keira Knightly AND my wife since they are so similar.
And the quote above is brilliant. Just this past weekend my 16 year old son got himself stuck on the side of a local mountain and then figured out how to extract himself and his buddies from the predicament. Boys gotta be boys. Girls are supposed to be smart enough not to join their idiocy.
ahnyerkeester 11 years, 2 months ago
Well said. Feminism in the way it is generally practiced in society goes something like "Men are brutes and women should, by all means, strive to be just like them." A better approach is to acknowledge that men and women are generally different and each can be strong and courageous without both trying to look like Rambo or something.