

I have to wonder what problem Remington thought they were solving with this piece. It better shoot super sweet because...grip safety? Really?

Shooting Remington's New R51 9x19mm Plus P Semi-Automatic Pistol - - YouTube

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  • mango333

    mango333 11 years ago

    I think the problem they were trying to solve is the "We're not on the hand gun scene" problem. Remington is know from their long guns and I'm guessing they want to be like a Ruger with a definitive presence in both long gun and hand gun markets.


    • JakeLonergan

      JakeLonergan 11 years ago

      Yup, but kind of an odd choice to take that first step with. I'll have to see one in person, it seemed a little large for a pocket pistol but uses a single stack mag. What's the category, CCW?


  • elsueco

    elsueco 11 years ago

    This is a resurrection of a 100 year old pistol design, I think that's the why. I kind of like it, It looks like a retro water pistol. It's said to have a 1911 style trigger, dovetail sights and a MSRP around $350. I'm curious to see how it shoots.


    • JakeLonergan

      JakeLonergan 11 years ago

      Oh, yeah. I can just see Humphrey Bogart pulling one of these out of his trench coat pocket. I saw that MSRP in the comments but wasn't sure if it was official. If it is, people could easily ignore the grip safety and anything else they might not be too enthralled with.


  • hamman

    hamman 11 years ago

    I like it. It's a CCW pistol, I don't care about the looks of it, no barbecue gun for sure. It appears to be snag free and also should not dig into your side if you carry IWB. The grip safety is a good choice on a CCW as you do not have to not have to think about it in a high stress situation. It has the lines of the classic PPK.
