

Beautiful, affordable and sounds so sweet!


  • Razorback

    Razorback 11 years, 2 months ago

    This is one of the Mexican-made Martins but makes a great entry point for people wanting a solid guitar with good tone. And you can pick one of these up for about $500 retail. I collect Martin guitars and my first was the DC1XE which is similar to the one above except with a cutaway body. It is the guitar that first got me addicted to the Martin tone. I now keep that one in my office at work and still play it from time to time.

    I play the D-Series Martins most of the time. But the pride of my collection is my Signature Series Frampton's Camel D-42.


  • jeffpic

    jeffpic 11 years, 2 months ago

    Pretty! I was looking for a guitar like this and ended up going with a steal I found on ebay for a Breedlove OM; it's got a small body like this that's great for fingerstyle blues. It's got the same spruce top/ mahogany laminate combo. I've always wanted a Martin though. You could even say I have a Mart-on for them. Hyuck hyuck.
