Not so sure about this list. I think maybe the trailers I saw before Desolation Of Smaug on Friday might make a better group. Brad Pitt's last trip into WWII didn't work at all for me, when Koothrappali does this it's cute but when Phoenix does it I'll bet it's nothing but creepy (and shades of M. Night Shyamalan for turning a half hour story into a two hour script), Ben Affleck? I did see that trailer for Interstellar Friday and I hope it's more substance than anticipation. That Groundhog Day thing with Tom Cruise could be cool except for the lousy excuses for Scifi we've been getting lately and, well, Tom Cruise.
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JakeLonergan 11 years, 2 months ago
Not so sure about this list. I think maybe the trailers I saw before Desolation Of Smaug on Friday might make a better group. Brad Pitt's last trip into WWII didn't work at all for me, when Koothrappali does this it's cute but when Phoenix does it I'll bet it's nothing but creepy (and shades of M. Night Shyamalan for turning a half hour story into a two hour script), Ben Affleck? I did see that trailer for Interstellar Friday and I hope it's more substance than anticipation. That Groundhog Day thing with Tom Cruise could be cool except for the lousy excuses for Scifi we've been getting lately and, well, Tom Cruise.