

Added in Guns


  • High_Binder 11 years, 2 months ago

    Gheyer than a bag of dicks.


    • tico1998

      tico1998 11 years, 2 months ago

      I don't know if I would go that far....


      • High_Binder 11 years, 2 months ago

        Yeah, your right a bag full of dicks is too many dicks. A large handful of dicks is how ghey these stickers are.


        • tico1998

          tico1998 11 years, 2 months ago

          Binder. No need to be obnoxious man. You don't need to make offensive comments.
          No one told you to go back to Pinterest after this mint. I scroll through this site all the time and see stuff I don't like but I don't go out of my way to offend the person that is posting.


          • High_Binder 11 years, 2 months ago

            Tico, come on man this is clearly all in good fun. Only the thinnest of skinned among us would be offended by any of my posts. They're meant as humor and this one is no different. Furthermore, if you are selling a product or offering anything up to the the public for that matter, you've got to to be able to take a little criticism. The OP knows he's slinging stickers for guns, I'm not saying anything he hasn't already heard from a million other gun guys. Buck up tiger, put on your big boy panties and lets have some fun making fun of lame ass tacti-cool stickers for your guns or if you want we can make fun of pickling stuff like my saved post you referenced. Here's my latest tack over on pintrest:"> what do you think?


            • tico1998

              tico1998 11 years, 2 months ago

              Binder. I am the OP and no I am not "slinging stickers for guns". I have no affiliation to the site that I minted. That deserves a c'mon man. Just quit being a troll. I can go through your stuff and see that your an anti-gun guy. You have an agenda just keep it to yourself.


              • High_Binder 11 years, 2 months ago

                Anti-gun? LOL You're an idiot.

                I'm one of the most pro-gun guys you'll ever meet. I'm a member of 4 different pro-gun orgs, a collector, and have an FFL-C&R. I spoke at the CO state hearings about a year ago in protest of the new guns laws and was co-plaintiff for a statewide CCW lawsuit. I also spent 4 yrs in the military about 15 years ago. What have you done?

                I don't know what gave you the impression that I'm anti-gun but bashing ghey stickers doesn't make me anti-gun. If I bash Conoco gasoline, does that mean I'm anti-car?

                I'll stick to my ground that putting stickers on your gun is tacti-cool bullshit and I'll make fun of it if I want to. I realize I touched a nerve being that you've probably just bought your first 'tactical' M4 and think putting stickers all over it makes you the range-hero as you do mag dumps of Wolf ammo. You must be 'that' guy who wears a drop-leg and camo pants to the range too.

                Stickers on guns = GHEY!

                Don't get so butt-hurt about about my opinions.


  • Chet_Manly

    Chet_Manly 11 years, 2 months ago

    So, I see where you both are coming from and here is what I appreciated about your exchange.
    You both have a point of view and are willing to step up and argue your point. That's great, hat's off to both of you.
