JakeLonergan, hawkman, LSUTigersFan and 5 others like this
To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, you’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at the unraveling of Obamacare.
First, the obligatory caveats. It is no laughing matter that millions of Americans’ lives have been thrown into anxious chaos as they lose their health insurance, their doctors, their money, or all three. Nor is it particularly amusing to think of the incredible waste of time and tax dollars that has gone into Obamacare’s construction. And the still-unfolding violence that this misbegotten legislation will visit on the economy and our liberties is not funny either. This very magazine has been downright funereal about the brazen and unconstitutional seizure of one-sixth of the economy, and rightly so.
But come on, people.
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JakeLonergan 11 years, 3 months ago
Jonah Goldberg is one of the funniest dudes ever. The weekly newsletter hinted at this content.
LSUTigersFan 11 years, 3 months ago
Love it!!!